

At our luxury Ayahuasca retreat, the safety and well-being of our guests are of paramount importance. To ensure a secure and enriching experience, we employ a rigorous screening process for all prospective attendees. This process allows us to identify any potential risks and ensure that everyone who attends the retreat can be safe.

Moreover, our practitioners are available throughout the retreat to address any medical concerns or queries, offering a reassuring presence and expert guidance. By prioritizing safety and providing professional medical support, we aim to create a nurturing environment where our customers can explore the transformative benefits of Ayahuasca with a profound sense of comfort and security.

Before ceremonies, your heart rate, oxygen levels and blood pressure will be carefully measured to ensure your ayahuasca experience will not present any danger to your health. Our commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment is meant to enable you to fully embrace the transformative potential of Ayahuasca with peace of mind.


While Ayahuasca is for the vast majority a safe and beneficial substance, taking it entails being aware of and respecting significant safety measures. Not respecting the guidelines below can have potentially life-threatening consequences.

Upon signing up to the retreat, you will have to confirm your understanding and agreement with the guidelines below.


It is crucial for individuals with the following conditions to refrain from consuming ayahuasca due to potentially serious mental or physical health risks.

Patients with the following mental health conditions:

  • Schizoid or Schizoid Disorder of Personality
  • Schizophrenic personality disorder
  • Bipolar personality disorder
  • Active addiction to Cocaine, amphetamines and other nervous system triggers
  • Active addiction to Heroin
  • Severe mental disabilities
  • Psychopathic Personality
  • Patients with Down and Turner Syndrome
  • Patients who have suffered strokes with sequelae
  • Patients with autism

Patients with cardiovascular and endocrinological disorders with the following diagnoses:

  • Coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction)
  • Peripheral Vascular disease.
  • Heart failure
  • Rheumatic heart disease
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Cardiomyopathies
  • Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
  • Peripheral arteriopathies
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Addison’s Disease
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

If there is a history of such conditions in your family, it is essential for your well-being to consult with your general practitioner regarding the potential presence of any of those conditions.

In the case of any of the mental health conditions mentioned above, the ingestion of ayahuasca may exacerbate these conditions or trigger them in individuals with a family history of such mental health issues.

In the case of any of the physical health conditions listed above, the ingestion of ayahuasca may lead to potentially fatal consequences.



If you are currently taking medications from the categories below, it is advised to discontinue their use, depending on the class of medications as described below, within a timeframe of 2 to 6 weeks before participating in the first ayahuasca ceremony. This should be done in consultation with your physician to ensure complete elimination of these drugs from your body and to allow for an ayahuasca experience without any withdrawal symptoms and side effects. Safety and proper preparation are paramount when engaging in ayahuasca ceremonies.

4-6 weeks prior to the retreat

SSRIs (antidepressants)

MAO-I drugs (monoamine oxydase inhibitors, includes many antidepressants)

3-4 weeks prior to the retreat

Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers, sedatives)

Opiates (pain killers)


2-4 weeks prior to the retreat

Amphetamines, ADHD Medication, Strong Stimulants

A complete list of contraindicated substances and medication can be found here.

It is essential to consult your physician before discontinuing any substance related to the conditions mentioned above. The guidance of a medical professional is crucial to ensure a safe and appropriate process.


In addition to the substances mentioned above, we strongly advise refraining from the use of other psychedelic plants and substances, such as mushrooms, cactus, peyote, and any others, as well as marijuana, at least two weeks before participating in an ayahuasca ceremony. These substances can significantly alter the ayahuasca experience and may lead to unpredictable interactions.

Furthermore, it is important to discontinue the use of any supplements that interact with serotonin and dopamine at least 3 days before the retreat. This precaution aims to avoid potential complications and ensure a more meaningful and safer ayahuasca experience. As always, prioritize your health and well-being by following these guidelines under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Supplements to be discontinued include:

Relora / St. John’s Wort / Kava / Kratom / Ephedra / Ginseng / Yohimbe / Sinicuichi / Rhodiola Rosea / Kanna / Boswellia / Nutmeg / Scotch Broom / Licorice Root / Ephedrine

An extensive list of substances presenting a risk is available here.


The dietary guidelines below are recommendations in order to enhance and make your experience more comfortable. There will be no serious consequences if you do not follow these recommendations but be aware that not abstaining from the elements below can lead to a range of undesirable side effects such as headaches, agitation, elevated heart rate or a feeling of heaviness during and after ceremonies, as well as diminished or absent visions and general connectedness with the medicine.

On top of the required abstinence from all medication and drugs listed above, it is recommended to abstain from the following

At least two weeks prior to the retreat:

Alcohol / Pork / Sexual activity

At least three days prior to the retreat:

Junk food / Large quantities of oil / Dairy products / Fermented food / Caffeine / Spicy food / Carbonated drinks / Refined sugar / High levels of salt

While not adhering to the recommendations above will not lead to fatal consequences, the mentioned elements can make the ayahuasca experience more difficult, uncomfortable, and may diminish or slow down the healing process. Having a cleaner body and mind will enhance and facilitate the ayahuasca experience.


We ensure that our ceremonies provide a safe environment for you to experience Ayahuasca with peace of mind.

Before the first ceremony, an orientation talk will be given. This orientation talk will cover what to expect, give you tips on how to handle the medicine and stay grounded, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We prioritize caution. We begin by administering smaller doses to our guests to observe how they respond to our medicine. Once the participant has had the opportunity to assess their response during the first ceremony, they can then request larger doses for subsequent ceremonies. We prioritize individualized experiences and ensure that participants have the freedom to adjust their dosage according to their comfort and needs.

Our expert shaman will be present to protect the space from negative energies, perform individual healing, and prevent participants from feeling overwhelmed during their experience.

To attend to your needs and well-being, there will be one English-speaking facilitator and two aides, that will assist you in going to the toilets and taking you back to the ceremonial space, giving you water, handkerchiefs, and emptying your bucket from the purge.

Please note that physical contact between participants is strictly forbidden during ceremonies.

Our ceremonies are sacred spaces.


Besides medical health and diet, another crucial aspect of preparation is your mindset. In this regard, the following elements heighten the likelihood of a safe ayahuasca experience:

• Being prepared to surrender to the experience.

• Approaching the experience with humility and eagerness to learn and introspect.

• Letting go of the urge to control yourself or the journey.

• Recognizing that ayahuasca’s effects can be unpredictable.

• Being open to feeling different than usual.

• Being open to experience visions and unusual states of consciousness.

• Trusting in your own abilities.

• Holding positive intentions for the experience.

• Readying yourself for potential physical effects, such as feeling heavier or lighter, experiencing nausea or vomiting, or feeling flows of energy through your body.

• Understanding that shortly, you will be okay and normal again.

We believe that daily meditation is an excellent asset for preparing for the ayahuasca experience, we strongly encourage its practice.

We also recommend avoiding watching violent movies, spending too much time on screens; We encourage taking time to reflect on your inner self and your intentions for the retreat, get exercise and connecting with nature.

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